" I SAID IT WAS MY MOTHER "         


If not for Varina Davis's hand written letters to the Blairs.

If not for Varina's Davis's book about Davis

If not forJeff Davis's nephew apologizing for helping Davis into Varina's dress

If not for Union soldier's detail reports,  wherein they validated Varina's letter 

 If not for  the Blair children 1910* a formal dinner to donate those letters to National Archives



Varina Davis,  wife of Jefferson Davis -  did not intend to expose Jeff's cowardice and lies.  Her letters to the Blairs from Savannah Georgia was "for their eyes only," as we would say today

  Varina told them, in the 20 page letter, to destroy the letter or "it would embarrass" Jeff Davis.  

But they did not destroy it all - 8 pages survived.  Fifty two years later the Blair children donated the remaining pages to Library of Congress,   where they remain to this day.   




The largest manhunt in US  history  was to capture Jeff Davis... (Until six weeks later an even larger manhunt for John Wilkes Booth).



Davis had fled from Richmond April 2 1865--after Lee fled on April 1, on a false rumor of a breech in the slave-built defense around Richmond and Petersburg.   

At lease Davis claimed he got a report of a breech in the line.  Davis was such a coward --as we soon learned - was it possible just made that up?

The point is -- there was no breech. 


It is important to know that Lee fled first,  with almost all of his troops .   

Lee would surrender April 8 days later,  against the orders of Confederate President Davis. 


Lee not only surrendered the troops with him,  he surrendered the entire Army of the Potomac. And did so -- you probably did not know this --against orders.


Davis stayed one more day-- as you will see- to gather supplies, and ironically - gather gold that had been collected from the public.  

This gold was a huge  issue at the time--to the SOUTH anyway.

 Davis was hated by some for taking the gold with him.  You never hear of that issue any more.

Union troops were free to pursue Davis-- because Lee had surrendered.

Davis was in an entourage of some 20 wagons-- some where called "ambulances" which Jeff Davis was put in after capture. 

MAY 10 1865

  Union soldiers   learned a large train of wagons -- no doubt Davis' entourage --about midnight.  They moved as close to the Davis camp by 2am

Davis on May 10,  just before dawn -- in the morning.   

The Union soldiers approach.  A mix up made a group of Union soldiers fire upon another.    


Within seconds Andrew Bee -- the cook for the Union soldiers -- spotted someone running.  Bee yelled " There goes a man dressed in women's clothes" 

It was obvious to soldiers because the "woman" was wearing very fancy boots and spurs.  Women did not wear mens boots and expensive spurts.

   They soldiers quickly caught up with Davis,  and yelled for him to identity himself.

That is the exact moment Davis's wife jumped in from of him-- putting her body between Davis and the Union weapons'

Whereupon Varina sold the soldiers to leaver "her" alone.

It's my mother. Then she said, "SHOOT ME IF YOU MUST" as she wrote, "But leave my mother alone."


Every Union soldier there --for the rest of there lives --respected Varina Davis as a hero. Two of the officers kept in touch with Varina Davis

Likewise -- every Union soldier there - considered Davis a coward.


Davis had run away -- ran away  as everyone in that camp was in danger.  

 His 14 soldiers were in danger. 

Of course his wife was in danger.  Several "servants" or slaves were in danger.

But three of Davis's children were in danger

Davis was running away to a horse-- a horse already feted with supplies-no doubt ready for Davis to use since the night before.


Despite thousands of supposed "experts" who claim Davis did not run away like a coward in his wife's dress,  the facts are he did exactly that

It was not the dress that was cowardly, of course.  It was his running away while his wife and children were in danger.


More important to learn about Davis,  is that Davis told his wife to get herself killed -- rather than be taken alive.

 Either week earlier Jeff Davis, in front of a group, told Varina  that she should do a "suicide by cop"   as we call it today.  

Davis told her to get herself killed rather than be taken alive

Because ?   ''for a Davis to be taken alive   would bring shame upon the South."    

This is Donny Lunatic Trump level of egomania-- and cowardice.


Davis was giving a speech to the crowd as they waited  to flee from Petersburg  (Davis and Lee fled Petersburg on a false rumor of a breaching the defense lines)

During that speech to the public,  Davis  addressed Varina.  

Get yourself killed, he told her -- because for a "DAVIS" to be taken alive would bring shame upon the South




While Varina in her book added verbiage to make Lee not sound quite  like a lunatic --it was others who reported that Davis told her that 

for A DAVIS  to be taken alive would bring shame on the South.


Davis had been the one who sent the famous note to Lee  that we must flee.  

 Given what happened next, (there was no breech is what happened)  it's possible Davis lied or was a coward even then.

There was no breech in the line.

The editor of Richmond newspaper saw all this happen, up close.  Edward Pollard was certain that the cowards of Lee and Davis to flee like that - would bring shame up the South.

Pollard wrote that  the mayor, an older very  heavy man,  had to take  white flag and see out Union troops because Lee ordered building set afire--which cause massive explosions

There was no breech -- but on his way out  -- Lee ordered that the buildings be burned.  The fires spread-- because there was no one to stop the fires.

So Union troops went in and put out the fires

These are thing you wont get from folks yapping that Lee and Davis were brave men.

Because they were not.

Davis grabbed  all the supplies and gold he could.  


Three weeks later -- after Davis and his entourage of about 80* persons fled Petersburg, ended up Irwin Georgia,

Davis surrendered -- with out any resistance.   But his wife was supposed to get herself killed rather than surrender.

Only lunatic Trump comes up - or down -- to this standard of creep egomaniac.


Davis knew his wife and children were in danger, because he himself ran when he heard the gun shots.  

He did nothing to check on his children.

IF not for Varina's letter to the Blairs, and her book, the liars and myth makers would forever be believed..


Davis  wife should bravely force the enemy to kill her to  spare shame for Davis name??

When the Union Troops  saw Davis near Irwin Georgia, Davis was already running for his own safety. Davis and everyone else  heard the gun shots.

Within a minute or two Jeff Davis  was running in a dress

Andrew Bee yelled out "There goes a man running in women's clothes"

Davis also wore very manly expensive stirrups.  Women did not wear manly stirrups -- if only because they rode in the wagons.


There is no way to put on your wifes dress and a shawl,  or any dress-- and be running toward a horse 200 years away within two minutes, unless you were ready


A dress is not easy to put on  that fast  even if you were a woman.

Point is --Davis had the dress on all night, just in case. He did not let his men see him, as they reported Davis went into his tent early the night before.

But Davis's nephew was there, and he would later apologize for helping Davis dress like a woman.

wife and three children.



As we know from Varina's letter - and Union officers report, Varina ran to DAVIS -- to protect DAVIS.

That says a lot.   As her letter says - she got between Davis and the soldiers.

 Varina threw herself "onto his person" as Varina wrote,  and then Varina  told the Union Army  " It's my mother"

Of course it was not her mother,  as became obvious when Andrew Bee -- a Union Army cook,  reached over and pulled back Davis's hood.

Davis ran without protecting his wife or children.   He ran like a coward

After the Union officers allowed Davis to get out of his wife's clothing,  Varina came out of the tent wearing that same dress.  You cant make this up.

If the Union soldiers were trying to make up lies about Davis,  they would not just put that detail on page 8 in five words.

Nor could the Union troops have any idea what Varina might write. 

Nor could Varina have any idea what the officers wrote

The point is,  no one made anything up in regard to Davis's cowardice and dress.




For the rest of his life, said one Davis biographer, Davis was "obsessed" to prove he was not a coward

Problem is - of course, he was.



Davis even had his picture taken in his fancy clothes--  fancy hat, fashionable attire, as if Davis had worn that

He claimed  those were the very clothes  he had on at capture

  Trump like lunatic here, too.     He berates others, is a coward and liar,  that "proves" how great he is by some absurd nonsense.



Apparently Jeff did not know Varina was writing her book

Varina waited until  Davis died, before she published the book.

Varina lived for two years in the Blair mansion --while Davis was in prison.  That mansion is  now the residence of the Vice President Harris. 

Fifty years later, after Varina lived with the Blairs,  and after her death in 1899, the Blair children donated Varina's letters the Library of Congress in 1910* 


You can see the letters  today online,  and see them in person at the Library of Congress.   Just ask for Ms. Blessing or contact the library  in advance **


In a dinner that  night, donating the letter (part of it - we don[t know where the 12 other pages went,) the Blair children, now elderly themselves  revealed that it was an "open secret" to use a phrase invented later,    with Varina in the house   Davis did wear his wife's dress. 

In New York,  where Varina moved and amazingly became friends with the widow of Ulysses S Grant ,   Varina and  Julia Dent Grant created a stir in public.   More than once, someone in the crowd asked Varina  if her husband  "wore a dress."

Varina Davis avoided lying --Varina said "Mr. Davis did not wear a hoop skirt."

Of course no one ever claimed or thought Davis wore a big fancy  formal dance  hoop skirt.     

The 8 pages which did survive included Varina's request the Blairs burn the letter- or it might embarrass Davis.  That may be the understatement of the decade.


Varina's goal was NOT to rat out Davis as a coward.  Her goal was to salvage his pride and status.



Davis often  ordered Generals to a frontal attack -- even when Union Army was well supplied, well  dug in and waiting for Davis to fuck up again

It made him -- Davis -- feel macho.  Later when Davis gave a speech about the war -- he claimed he "sacrificed more than anyone"

Never mind almost a million men died or where badly injured because this shit head Davis -- starting 1847-- was sending others to kill to spread slavery,  and bragged about it.

But Davis was not about to do any of the fighting,  though he would boast about that, too.


Even hundreds of miles away -- Davis would berate and fire generals,  mock them in speeches.  Fire them as if they were cowards

This  Macon  speech is so insane, that typically Davis apologist do not  mention it.  

 I travelled to Macon Georgia to see how that city commemorated Davis's speech

Macon is filled with Civil War memorabilia

But no mention, no plaque for Crazy Davis speech on this matter.

Even the Macon speech itself is not easy to find. 

 Rice University for years did not show it online.  It would appear-- then vanish.


Just one of the bizarre things in the speech, Davis begs the women in the audience to send their men back to the army

Another creepy thing -- 8 year old son lie

Davis tells the crowd that awomen approaced him and pleaded for Davis to keep a "spot open" for her 8 year old-- after her three older sons were killed in battle.

Of course not one cowardly Davis biographer would expose Davis insanity and lie.

Davis went on and on, oddly, like a creep  insisting an officer on the speakers stand could verify the whole story about the woman who pleaded to Davis to keep a slot open for her 8 year old son -- AFTER HER THREE OTHER BOYS DIED

. That is what Southern women should do -said Davis. Send three of your sons to die, and aske Davis to keep a spot open for the 8 year old.

Now you know why the chit heads who make up these insane biographies about Davis,  dare not tell a lot of things

that show Davis to be a coward, a lunatic,  and a pathological liar -- like Donny Trump today.


Davis loses the war?

It is important  speech:   Davis stupidly gave it  while reporters gathered around --he did not grasp the use of telegraph, the internet of the day. 

Telegraphs picked up and repeated  the speech the speech.   

The speech were Davis not only said 2/3 of the confederate troops ALREADY deserted. Not only did the main army in the South desert by 2/3-- Davis yapped on an admitted Robert E Lee's Army of Virginia-- they too deserted.

( Winthin 4 months-- not only 90% of rebel soldiers were awol or otherwise missing,  but of 10% who remained -- they often just refused- - or could not --obey any offensive orders


This is why  40  years later slave  states demanded proof of rebel soldier location  at the end of the war!  This was to weed out the deserters.    And 90% deserted or went awol -- wisely so.

 who applied for a pension that was promised to them -- Davis's stupidity in that regard is now taught in various Military training in US - impressing on the upcoming leaders not  to be stupid enough to let the enemy know you are in a terrible position.

By the way --the man Davis said would validate the mother of the 8 year old pleaded with him to keep open a spot - he never did back Davis up.  He knew Davis a weird man, and a liar.

Just like Lunatic Donny's folks around him know he is a lying goofy bastard.


Never mind those generals (Johnston most of all) were brilliantly keeping Union troops out of Atlanta.   Never mind 2/3 of rebel troops had deserted by then

Davis wanted the remaining men to attack .


Davis told Varina to force "assailants" to kill you - to save the name Davis

But Davis ran away as his children were in danger.

As one Davis biographer wrote, Davis spent the rest of his life obsessed to prove he did not wear a dress,  and was not a coward,  when captured.

Now you know why he was obsessed to cover up his cowardice.











Written to the Blair family-- wherein she exposed Jeff Davis cowardice.

That was not her intent - she told the Blairs in the letter to destroy  it.

They did not destroy it.


1) Jeff Davis tells his wife to get herself killed.

2) Varina tells Union Troops that Davis was her mother.

3) Varina jumps in front of Davis to keep Union troops from shooting him.

4) That is when Varina said "That's my mother"

5) Varina  also told the Union troops that -- if they had to shoot someone, shoot her - Varina.  But leave  her "mother alone."

6) Every Union soldier there respected Varina Davis for the rest of their lives.

7) Every Union soldier there considered Davis a coward.

Supposed scholar  James Swanson wrote the book "Bloody Crimes" about Davis capture.

He  and others claimed the "dress story" was a "newspaper" thing, and lie to smear an honorable an.


Not only did Varina write that in her letter- -the Union officers who reported on Davis capture,  wrote the same thing about Varina jumping to save Davis.


James  Swanson forgot to mention in his highly acclaimed book about Jeff Davis capture. His goal seem to praise Davis.

 Do you think Swanson did not know about Varina's book - wherein she went into great detail about the capture?

Do you think Swanson did not know about her letter to the Blairs?

Do you think Swanson did not know Jeff Davis's nephew apologized for helping Davis dress as a woman?

Do you think Swanson did not know of Union reports-  wherein thy went into great detail to report Davis was dressed in women's clothing 



 Union troops reported that  when Davis was allowed to get back in his manly clothes,  his wife and "servant"  went to help Davis.

When Varina came out of the tent --- Varina had on the dress-- her dress -- that Jeff Davis just took off.

If you read their reports-- and you should,  it was just another fact, not highlighted.  If they were trying to make up lies, they would use another style.  

 Swanson also "forgot" to mention that Davis  told his wife to get herself killed ---because for a DAVIS to surrender would bring shame on the South,

Do you think Swanson did not read her book???



If you read Varina's two volume book about Davis,  you will see  Varina went into  great detail about their flight from Richmond. 

 Minute by minute at times

Then - as she reaches the part Davis is captured -- she ends that chapter. 

Nothing. Just nothing. The chapter.

She brings us to that day, to that hour,  and to that place.   Then nothing. 

Never mind that the entire county was curious if Davis wore her dress or not.

Varina was asked later, in New York City when she became friends with -- of all people - the widow of Ulysses S Grand!   They created quite a stir when seen in public together.


At times someone would ask  if it was true Jeff wore a dress.  Varina  would coyly reply "Mr. Davis did not wear a hoop skirt'

No one thought or said he wore a hoop skirt, a fancy dress worn only to the highest fanciest parties and dances.

Those asking Varina would chuckle and not bother her again about it.  Varina was careful not to lie.  She did not lie -  he did not wear a hoop dress.

Varina's  books about Davis are in some 4,000 libraries.   Extremely respected by anyone who reads them -- including scholars, because she never lies.

Of course Varina uses her own viewpoint, but she never lies. 

Yet not one US text book even mentions that Davis told his wife to get herself killed- a direct quote from Varina's book.

Not one  text book candidly reports Davis wore her dress.  At most they claim "newspapers claimed."

Not one text book mentions that Varina was to get herself killed rather than surrender - "because for a Davis to be taken alive,  would bring shame to the Davis family"

What husbands tells their wife to get herself killed because his last name will be shamed. 

Actually Southern newspaper reporters  first ran the story of Davis in a dress-- they saw the Union soldiers formation as they took Davis to Savana, and from the Union soldiers, and apparently  they heard Davis wore a dress.

It was not some scheme by Northern papers.







 Leaving suddenly Lee and Davis ?]



Edward Pollard,  editor and day to day witness of Davis and Lee fleeing Richmond,  was certain  the cowardice of Lee and Davis would forever shame the South.

Something no text book we know of even mentions

Per Pollard,  Jefferson  Davis and  Robert Lee fled on a rumor of a breech in the Line. 

There was no breech.   

There was no breech.

Pollard wrote that the elderly mayor of  Richmond had to take a white flag to find the Union troops  -- and ask them to come into the city, and put out the fires.

They did.  There is not a single US text book with mentions this - as far as we know


Pollard is  the author of the famous book "Lost Cause," -- a radical departure from expose Jeff Davis and Robert E Lee's cowardice.. 

   Rather than admit, in "Lost Cause,"  that men like Lee and Davis were cowards -- and South went to war to spread slavery for GOD

 Pollard found he made more money , was cheered more by claiming the South was filled with noble men and noble causes.


Shoot me-- Varina told the Union troops -- but leave my mother alone. 

 Unless Varina was stupid,  or mistaken, it's clear from that "I said it was my mother" ( there is much more) that  Davis wore a dress-- her dress, as we will see.

Davis's entourage,  and his wife's entourage, split in two two days before Davis was caught.  The night before, Davis reunited with his wife.

 Apparently Davis had worn Varina dress since the night before -- wisely - to be able to quickly flee. 

  Davis had his horse secure about 150 feet from his tent, already with a saddle and supplies.  His plan was to evade the Union troops,  get to the coast -- and flee by ship to safety.



It was in that dash -- Davis's run to his horse -- when Union troops ( a man named Andrew Bee) stopped him and demanded to know who he was.  Davis would not respond

Andrew Bee is the man that yelled - I see a man wearing a dress.  He knew it was a man for the boots and spurs.






Until  the  moment Union troops found Davis and surrounded him,  Varina hoped  correctly, as Davis did,  that dressing as a woman was the best way to pass through Union troops.

That was the smart move.   It could have worked,

That was not cowardly in the least.

 This was the biggest man hunt in US history.  The entire US Army, essentially, was looking for Davis.  

A 100,000 award -- about 2 million dollars, now, was offered to anyone -- including US soldiers, for his capture.



"All cruel men are cowards."   He should know.



At the moment Varina told the Union troops Jeff was her mother Andrew Bee*, of Michigan  simply pulled back the garment ---to reveal the scraggly well known beard of Jeff Davis.  

  Bee knew it was a man -- the whole time - because despite dressed as a woman,  including a shawl pulled over his head,  Davis wore very expensive manly boots and spurs.




   If that were not enough -- further information in her book about Jeff Davis,  and further information from the Blair family remove "reasonable" belief that Davis acted bravely, or told the truth. 

When the Union soldiers allowed Davis, his wife -- and his "servant) (Davis's slave) to change out of Davis's disguise -- Davis exited the tent looking as fancy as any one in New York.   He loved  his fancy  clothes and cool hats.

Davis would have his picture (above) taken in the clothes he wanted fools to believe he wore.  


Varina Davis, however, exited the tent in her dress - the dress Davis took off.      Varina would keep that dress on until Savanah,  when Union soldiers sent the dress to Washington.




Davis was dressed enough like a woman  that Varina -- in her own letter to the Blairs --told the Union soldiers to leave her mother alone.   If you must shoot someone -- Varina told the Union troops, shoot me.  But leave my mother alone

Every -- single -- Union --soldier who say Varina Davis save her husband -- and saw what a coward Davis was -- forever admired Varina Davis (see below)  They had nothing but scorn for Jeff Davis.


While Varina did write that Davis did not wear a disguise-- she then wrote  'Well so what if he had..'.

Varina also wrote - curiously--so what if he had worn a dress.   It was "of no cavil" - it was not a big deal, as we would say now.   If Davis wore women's clothes, she wrote, it was for the Southern people, who "loved him."


In her book ---Varina went into exceeding  detail of their escape from Richmond,  almost mile by mile, minute by minute telling of that escape.

 She included in her book  where Davis tells her to get herself killed  rather than be taken alive.  She included names and dates of of people she met.  She was quite through.

She included the details of her jumping in from of Davis -- telling the soldiers "It's my mother"  ( and of course it was not her mother -- it was Davis)

She included that she jumped in front of Davis, putting her "person" (her body) in front of Davis


Varina wrote much more -- not just this letter to Blairs, but to dozens of others,  when she was in Macon and then Savana Georgia. 

Of course Varina's two part volume of Jeff Davis life -- over 1200  total pages, by my count. She wrote several books.  

In all those pages,  if Varina had just said -- " of course Davis was brave and defended the children and me-- even if a lie-- Varina could end forever the dispute.

But she was not going to lie for him


Col. Pritchard

Col Pritchard was the highest ranked Union officer sent to capture Davis.  


 Pritchard report to Secretary Stanton covered, in detail, 


The Blair children, in 1910,  donated Varina's letter (the remaining eight pages) to the Library of Congress, where it remains 

You can visit the library, or see her letter  from your phone or computer at your convenience. 


In the dinner given to formally donate the letter Blair children -- now in their 60's- made it clear  that Varina stayed with them for two years--as house guest.  They made it clear that  Varina openly spoke about Davis --and  Jeff Davis wore a dress as he fled from the Union troops.


Varina -- when asked in public later (she moved to New York City) -- if Davis wore a dress when captured.

Varina would pause,  and say cleverly, "Mr. Davis did not wear a hoop skirt."

Of course no one ever claimed Davis wore a formal dress, a hoop dress. It was absurd to wear anything like that while travelling. Everyone knew what she meant,  and laughed politely. 

Why should Blairs destroy her  letter?

 Varina told the Blairs to destroy her 20 page letter -- that such information could  "embarrass" Davis.  

The Blairs did not destroy the 20 page letter--for whatever reason,  eight pages still remain.

Those pages say plenty.


   If not for Varina's letter -- and her book   -- reasonable men could disagree if  Davis was a coward. 

 Pulitzer Prize winning historians claim Davis was an an commonly brave man, and any notion that he ran like  a coward  while his children were in danger -- was a lie.

A lie, they claimed,  generated by Yankee papers.

Not really. 

 For one thing, the first newspapers to report his capture in a dress  was from the SOUTH

For another,  Richmond editor Edward Pollard-- at the time -- claimed Lee and Davis ran like cowards when they fled Richmond.

PRO TIP 1 Edward Pollard was afraid the South would forever be shamed by Lee and Davis both fleeing from Richmond on the false rumor of a breech 

There was no breech. It was a false rumor

 Lee and Davis had promised never to abandon Richmond -- not only did they abandon the capital -- they did nothing to protect the citizens they left behind.


 Davis should know,  he was arguably the biggest coward in US history. But he often bragged - like Trump-- that he was brilliant or brave.   

After the war, Davis would idiotically give a speech saying he - Davis "Sacrificed more than anyone" for the cause.  Never mind that Davis sent thousands of men to fight and die in his war to spread  slavery. 

Davis -- like egomaniac Trump Davis suffered more than anyone.    In fact Lunatic Donny says that.   

Even more creepy, fools who to this day idolize Davis, re-en act that speech, like cult members. Oblivious all what a coward Davis was.



It was not the dress that was cowardly -- 

That was smart. Davis was a smart man, and not a fool. It would be foolish to dress in a way he was immediately spotted.  He was, obviously -- fleeing because 95% of rebel troops were now AWOL -- or  refused to attack Union forces. 

The cowardly part  was Davis running away as bullets flew -- already dressed in his wife's clothes.   His children were in danger.

He wife was in danger. He ran

His children were in danger.  He ran.

In fact,  it was clear that Davis had dressed as a woman starting the night before, in case the Union troops discovered them.

Davis was not connected to his wife's "entourage"  until days before.   They separated five days before - perhaps for Davis to reach the coast -- and as planned -- to sail to South America.   


If not for Varina's letter to the Blair's, specifically the sentence "I said it was my mother,"  South/ Davis apologists could have fooled future generations.  

Or even believe it themselves.




When the Union soldiers allowed Davis and his wife and a slave to enter a tent for him to change......

 --Varina emerged wearing the dress -- the very dress- - Davis had taken off.  So reported the Union officer in charge.   He did not make a big deal of it -- just a line in his report.

Varina put on her dress -- the dress Davis had just taken off. Likely to prevent the Union soldiers from taking it as a  souvenir.   Varina wrote that the Union soldiers scavenged (stole) assorted items from Davis's wagons.

Those details are in the Union reports.
 Union soldiers reports below.

Davis Obsession? 

According to one Davis biographer -- and he idolized Davis Davis was obsessed after his capture to prove he did not wear his wife's dress.

To that end -- Davis had  pictures taken later -- and donated the pictures and the clothes he claimed to have worn during capture to the "Confederate Museum" where all of it is proudly shown to the public.

Of course that proves nothing.  

But generations of deluded Davis supporters accept  those pictures as truth.  .



SINCE 1910.



 I never heard  of the rumor that Davis wore a dress, until I read Keckley's autobiography. 

That is how I got interested in Jeff Davis's "dress"  and cowardice.
Keckley worked both for Lincoln's and for Jeff Davis -- as a dress maker.

Keckley tells of Varina Davis asking Keckely if she will "come South"  for a little while.   She and Davis would be leaving, with their family, but soon return -- and Jeff Davis will be the President -- not Lincoln.

Keckely wisely refused-- once in deep South,  Keckely could be treated as slaves were -- horribly.

Keckley only mentioned that dress -- and meeting Varina and Jeff Davis,  briefly.  She did confirm the dress she saw in Chicago, put on display, was a dress she made for Varina.  She could tell by the stitching. 

She made no assumption if Davis wore it -- it would be stupid to wear a fancy dress made for formal dances,  in the woods  But it was a dress she made.






The "dress story" was not made up by Northern papers.  

From North Carolina paper...

This bit of comedy was in a North Carolina paper, too. 


Davis had this picture taken 
to "prove" what he wore.

These are  clothes are on display to this day at Confederate Museum.  They of course take Davis at his word,  as if taking a picture and donating those exact garments are proof what he wore that day.


Report to the Secretary of War, by  Col Pritchard

 BELOW is from the report to the Secretary of War, by  Col Pritchard, who was there at the capture. 

Pritchard  was of course there when Davis was allowed to get out of the dress, and was there when Varina emerged wearing the dress Davis just took off. Link again. 

A more full account is below....



I noticed while researching Varina Davis, was the loathing, just beneath the surface, for her by the Virginia Historical Society -- to this day.

160 years later they to this day seemed to  hate Varina Davis!   Why?  

Keep in mind Varina was very loyal to Davis -- saved his life, protected him from everyone, and while she wrote that letter, she had no idea it would be saved and published.

Varina did all she could to spare Davis humiliation. Including putting her body on the line.

Every thing Varina did --everything she said, in public, was that an obedient wife. Her two volume book on Davis is as flattering as it could possible be.

Yet see this article about Varina in "Encyclopedia Virginia" which essentially glorifies slave owners, specifically Davis, and Lee.

 But their tone and personal cruelty to Varina is amazing, given the supposed "academic" nature of their publication.

They claimed Varina was homely, (a lie) and suggested she lured a lonely Davis into marriage.  When just the opposite was true. Davis was already an ugly man, and old. Sick looking.  

They  claim she lived in Washington DC as if that was horrible -- but she lived there WITH DAVIS  and left when Davis left.     

Can you imagine concocting a like lie "She lived in Washington"  as an insult, when she lived there with Davis!   She never lived there without Davis,  until he died

But the chit heaps at the Historical Society hey claimed she was "manifestly ill suited" for first lady and was not attractive.

Actually Varina was HOT when young

Varina was young, shapely ever so obedient.  Exactly what Davis wanted in the bedroom and out. An obedient woman who every moment was devoted to him.  

Davis was  twice her age. 

 She adopted every view, every slogan, every thought he did.  Women submitted to the man like man is supposed to submit to the God of the Bible. Which was always the pay off to men -- get a submissive wife -- in and out of the bedroom.

Varina,  after Davis died, would say the right side won the war.   That is why Encyclopedia hates her.      



Julian G. Dickinson


Julian G. Dickinson, Late Adjutant 4th Michigan Cavalry and Brevet Captain, USV

Original Member of the Michigan Commandery, Insignia Number 3751

Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States

Read January 8, 1889 (First Published 1899)


Being questioned by Col. Pritchard, he stated there had been several mounted men to the house ring the afternoon, from a camp near the village, to purchase forage and provisions, and the camp lay about a mile and a half out on the Abbeville road.

 Placing the freedman (freedman = men who were once enslaved, but no longer slaves) in advance for guide, and directing the utmost silence to be preserved in the column, we moved out on the Abbeville road.

 The night was rather dark, but clear and very quiet. We marched the distance of about a mile when we halted and made the necessary arrangements for the capture of the camp when light was deemed sufficient to enable us to discern its situation.

A detail of 25 men, under command of Lieut. Purinton, was sent to make a circuit of the camp and get into position on the road beyond, to station pickets, and take precautions for preventing the escape of the occupants in that direction, awaiting our advance and capture of the camp.

We rested until the first appearance of the dawn of the morning of the 10th. 

The order was then quietly given to mount, and placing a small force under command of Capt. Charles T. Hudson, as an advance guard, with directions to charge forward upon the camp, our column moved in support. 

The charge was uninterrupted by a picket of camp guards, and we speedily entered and enveloped the camp by a surprise so complete that no one seemed to have been disturbed.

The advance guard moved directly and quickly through the camp toward Lieut. Purinton's picket.

 Our main column halted for a minute in the road before entering the camp. On the right of the road, in line, facing a clearing or parade, stood three wall tents; beyond the clearing there was, what appeared to me to be, a swampy thicket; on our left, in the woods, at some distance from the road, was a miscellaneous collection of tents and ambulances. 

The extent of the camp could not, however, be distinctly seen from our position.

At this moment some of our men appeared to be straggling from the column and Col. Pritchard directed my attention to it and to the care of the camp, and as he moved forward with the column through the camp, I rode out and took a position by the roadside until the column passed me. 

I then rode across the parade, in front of the wall tents, on the right of the road. I saw no one about the tents and there was nothing indicating who occupied them, until, as I passed the tents d started to move into the road beyond, I saw a man partially dressed, emerging from a "shelter-tent." 

I at once rode up to him and inquired what force was there in camp. He looked at me seemingly bewildered. Not hearing him reply to me, I repeated the question, and while lingering for a response, I was suddenly startled by a familiar voice calling.


I turned and saw Andrew Bee, our headquarters cook, who was standing close to the front of one of the wall tents and pointing to three persons in female attire, who, arm in arm, were moving rapidly across the clearing towards the thicket. Andrew called to me, "Adjutant, there goes a man dressed in woman's clothes."

The person indicated was quite apparent, and I rode at once toward the party, ordering them to halt, repeating the order rapidly, they seeming not to hear, or not inclined to obey, until I rode directly across their pathway, when they halted

At that moment Corporal Munger of Company C came riding up from the thicket, and taking a stand in the rear of the party brought his carbine to a position for firing up the man dressed in women's clothes, at the same time applying to him an appellation that was in vogue among the troopers as a designation of "Jeff. Davis." 

I ordered the corporal not to fire, there being no perceptible resistance.

Davis had on for disguise a black shawl drawn closely around his head and shoulders, through the folds of which I could see his gray hairs.He wore upon his person a woman's long black dress, which completely concealed his figure,  excepting his spurred boot heals 

The dress was undoubtedly Mrs. Davis' traveling dress, which she afterwards wore on her return march to Macon.

 At the time of the capture she(VARINA)  was attired in her morning gown and a black shawl covering her head and stately form, while her waiting maid was completely attired in black.

Glancing from this party before me, and around the position, I was startled by the presence of several rebel officers who in the meantime quietly came upon the scene. The positions they had taken clearly indicated they were interested in the movement of their chief.

 I ordered Davis and his party to retire to their tents and then moved toward the rebel officers in question, requesting them to also retire. I was promptly obeyed.

I directed Corporal Munger to guard Mr. Davis and his party in their tents, and to take two men who came up with him for that purpose. 

I then rode forward to report to Col. Pritchard the episode that had taken place. 

In the meantime spirited firing had commenced, and the usual evidences of an engagement with an enemy appeared in the direction our column had advanced.

As I passed Davis' tent, in going to the front,

Mrs. Davis called to me, and I dismounted to hear her request. She asked what we were going to do with Mr. Davis and whether herself and family would be permitted to go along with him. 

I informed her that I could not tell what would be done with any of them until I had reported to my commanding officer

. She then very earnestly said that we must not interfere with Mr. Davis as he was a very desperate man and would hurt some of us.

 She further requested that I would see to certain things that she had in the wagon, and I promised to attend to that

As I moved into the road I met one of our officers from the front with something from the wagon, in the shape of a canteen of most excellent fluid, of which he freely offered me a share. 

I met Col. Pritchard just returning from an unfortunate conflict with the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry, that regiment having come upon our pickets and mistaking them for an enemy, retired and formed for a battle, which forced our column to form in line and skirmish with them, in the belief that we had met a force of the enemy.

 Col. Pritchard brought the engagement to a close by dashing into the lines of the 1st Wisconsin and notifying them of the mistake.

The fact was that the 1st Wisconsin and the 4th Michigan expected to find a desperate force of the enemy; the 1st Wisconsin, however, was marching without any knowledge of the locality of the camp, and without any expectation of finding it at that time, having been in bivouac most of the night, a few miles from our picket.

I reported to Col. Pritchard the capture of Jeff. Davis in his attempt to escape from the camp in female attire, and that I had put him under guard. In the meantime Mr. Davis put on his male attire - a suit of gray - and came out of his tent. 

When he (DAVIS)  saw Col. Pritchard he shouted out some inquiry, which he followed up with the old familiar charge, "You are vandals, thieves and robbers."

[Davis] evidently had worked himself into a rage, for when I went to him soon after, getting the names of the prisoners, he refused my request for his name, and I was obliged to receive it from his wife, who spoke up proudly, in answer to my repeated question, "his name is Jefferson Davis, sir."

The captured party consisted of Jefferson Davis, accompanied by Mrs. Davis and their three children;

 John H. Reagan, Postmaster General; 

Col. Johnston, A.D.C.; Col. Burton N. Harrison, 

Private Secretary, and Col. F.R. Lubbock, A.D.C., of Jeff. Davis' staff; Major V.R. Maurin, of the Richmond Battery of Light Artillery; Capt. George V. Moody, Mollison's Light Artillery; Lieut. Hathaway, 14th Ky. Infantry; privates W.W. Monroe and F. Messick, 14th Ky.; privates Sanders, Ingraham, Wilbury, Baker, Smith, Heath and Alliston, of the 2d Ky. Cavalry; privates J.H. Taylor and A.W. Brady, Co. E. 15th Miss., private J.W. Furley, 13th Tenn., 

all of the late Confederate States army, and midshipman Howell of the Confederate navy, Miss Howell, a sister of Mrs. Davis, accompanied her.

 There were two colored women and one colored man, servants of the Davis family. Of the three children of Mr. Davis' family, the youngest was a babe and quite a favorite in our command (once on the march I saw it handed along the line);

 the oldest child was a little girl about ten years of age, and the other child was a boy of about seven or eight years. There was also with the party a little colored lad about the same age as young Davis, and the two created considerable amusement for us by their wrestling exercises. Burton N. Harrison, the Private Secretary, was the gentleman of whom I sought so diligently to elicit information immediately preceding the capture.

There was not the slightest show of any resistance on the part of any of the captured party, and they were all kindly treated by their captors.

 That their wagons and tents were searched thoroughly, I have no doubt. Lieut. James Vernor obtained a trophy of Davis' wardrobe, a dressing gown, which he exhibits, but whether Davis wore it as part of his garments at the capture is not known

It might possibly have been worn under his disguise.

Their horses were all taken by our men and considerable sums of money in gold were captured.

The gold was taken, as I understood from Col. Johnston at the time, in the holsters of the rebel officers, where it had been carried for safety and convenience

. Who captured the gold is somewhat of a mystery to this day.

 At the camp, immediately after the capture, Col. Pritchard was informed that one of our men, a Tennessean named James H. Lynch, was possessed of most of the coin and the Colonel searched him but found none of the gold; 

afterwards it is well known that Lynch distributed several pieces of gold coin among his companions and gave a few pieces to some of his officers. It is certain that the coin was never equally distributed.

In preparing for the return march their horses were all returned to the prisoners, and Mr. and Mrs. Davis and family were allowed the use of the ambulances, which they occupied most of the time on our return march.

On the 12th of May, returning, we met Major Robert Burns, A.A.G. of Minty's staff, from headquarters at Macon, who brought to us President Johnson's proclamation, offering rewards for the capture of Jeff. Davis and other fugitives.

 The proclamation was the first intelligence we received of the assassination of our President, Abraham Lincoln, and of the reward.

 I have now in my possession the copy of the proclamation which was handed to me at that time. It was issued on the 2d day of May, 1865, was published to the Cavalry Corps, M.D.M. at Macon, on the 8th day of May, 1865, and reached our command, as I have said, on the 12th day of May. Mr. Davis was securely guarded during our return march. Perhaps his guard was more strict than it would have been had he not given notice that he would make his escape if possible.

Before reaching Macon, Col. Pritchard received orders to make a detail form his regiment in readiness to take his prisoners to Washington, and after we reached camp, he proceeded upon that service and conveyed Jeff. Davis to Fortress Monroe.

The Secretary of War directed Col. Pritchard at Washington to obtain the disguise worn by Jeff. Davis at his capture, and Captain Charles T. Hudson undertook to procure it from Mrs. Davis. 

In his account of the affair, Capt. Hudson has related in a letter to Major-General J.H. Wilson, that Mrs. Davis stated to him that she attired Mr. Davis in her own dress, and she surrendered a certain garment which Col. Pritchard afterward described in his report to the Secretary of War as a "waterproof cloak or dress." 

Though I did not examine the texture of the dress worn by Davis at the capture, and cannot say whether it was waterproof or not, it was beyond all question a "woman's dress," and precisely like the dress usually worn by Mrs. Davis after the capture during our march back to Macon. 

I am very sure that not any gentleman's garment that could be described as a waterproof cloak was found or seen in the possession of Davis at his capture, or while on the march to Macon.

Burton N. Harrison, Jeff. Davis' Private Secretary, in his paper in "The Century," November, 1886, on this subject, states that Davis was not disguised at all,

 and that he wore a waterproof cloak which he usually wore on the march; and by further statement seeks to discredit other witnesses present at the capture, by assuring the public only one of our troopers was present there, the one who accosted him, and that he and Mrs. Davis and that one trooper, were the only persons who saw Davis at his capture; when the fact is, that while Davis was standing in his disguise in my presence, three of our troopers saw him, besides Andrew Bee, who pointed to Davis as "a man dressed in woman's clothes;" and there was present not more than two rods from the disguised figure, Capt. Moody and within about four rods from him, Col. Lubbock and other Confederate Army officers, who doubtless saw what took place.

My record of the event was made at the time in the line of my duty, and I then correctly and officially reported the fact of his disguise to my commanding officers.



Varina, hated later by Jeff Davis adoring fools  at the Encyclopedia of Virginia to this day, apparently because of her letter and book she wrote long before those boys were even born. See below.

SPOILER ALERT--  Virginia Historical Encyclopedia-- to this day -- trashes Varina basicall as ugly, as stupid, and an enemy of the South.

  They trash her father as well.

They even claim Varina could not be trusted because "she spent time in the North."  

 The fuckers don't tell you that Varina went to the North with -- with - with Jeff Davis to live WITH Davis in Washington.   These creepy lying bastards.

But Virginia encyclopdia  folks know their readers are not smart enough to wonder about that.

But they had to shit on her  -- they  had to trash her,

They knew Varina had exposed Davis as a punk ass coward -- and liar.  She was not crued about it,  but she showed plenty 

 Of course they are going to attack her.

There is no other "encyclopedia" of history that trashes the wife of their hero.

Her letter and book should both be required by anyone teaching about slavery or the Civil War.  

Varina was a unique witness to South leaders spreading slavery for GOD-- starting 1847.   

Varina  was a unique witness to Jeff Davis's role in sending paid killers to invade Kansas by 1856

Unique because,  while of course she defended Davis -- but she never would outright lie  Varina wrote from he perspective, what she knew, what she saw. She omitted important things..  But she never lied.